IWLOP #001 A – Eastern Mare Crisium ("Sea of Crises)
This spectacular lava-filled basin features impressive wall structures, and is actually oval-shaped but appears round because of its location near the lunar limb. Are Crisium covers 20° of lunar surface, and may require various terminator angles for optimums view of all the features listed. Some of these objects may be easier to see just after Full Moon.
Location: 17.0 N 70-50 E Origin: Impact and Volcanism Size: 570 km. Rukl: 38-27 Type: Basin
Objects: Promontorium Agarum, Landing sites of Luna 24 & Luna 15, Dorsa Tetyaev, Dorsa Harker, Mons Usov
Others Identified: Dorsum Oppel, Eimmart, Graves, Lick, Pierce, Picard, Shapley, Swift, Yerkes
Observation 1:
Location: Home
Date: 2020-05-25
Time: 8:40 PM ADT
Equipment: 6" Dobsonian, 15 mm Plösl
Magnification: x80
Transparency: Good (3)
Seeing: Good (3)
R1: Promontorium Agarum - Found this feature easily. The two Luna landing sites looked flat but there may have been a few dorsa or minor ridges.
C1: Dorsa Tetyaev, Dorsa harker, Nons Usov - Dorsa Tetyaev was barely discernible but Dorsa Harker and Mons Usov easily seen.
Observation 2:
Location: Home
Date: 2021-04-15
Time: 8:15 PM ADT
Equipment: 10" Meade SCT, 4.7 mm with Moon filter
Magnification: x530
R1: Promontorium Agarum: Easily found and the two Luna landing sites easily seen in this observation with the higher magnification.
C1: Dorsum Oppel, Dorsa Harker easily seen. Dorsa Tetyaev barely visible. Promontorium Agarum and Mons Usov easily identified.