IWLOP #051 - Gemma Frisius
This crater features an unusually high wall of over 5 km.
Location: 34.2 S 13.3 E Origin: Impact Size: 88 km Rukl: 66 Type: Complex Crater (CC)
Objects: Gemma Frisius, Goodacre, Poisson and craters D, G & H
Others Identified: Craters, U, V, K, Q
Location: Home
Date: 2019-06-10
Time: 10:35 PM ADT
Equipment: 10" Meade SCT, 12 mm eyepiece with 92° FOV + x2 Barlow
Magnification: x416
Seeing: Very Good (4)
Transparency: Very Good (4)
R1: Both Gemma Frisius and Goodacre are generally round. Goodacre has its rim interrupted only in the S-SW whereas Gemma Frisius has craters of varying sizes on all of its rims.
R2: Just over the western wall of Gemma Frisius are the craters D, G and H in a line, going from SW to NE. G & H are shallower than D.
C1: To the NW is Poisson with disintegrated crater walls and its unsmooth floor. Crater A and the grouping of U, V, K, Q between it and Gemma Frisius were easily identified.
NOTE: The crater combo of Gemma Frisius, Goodacre and Crater D makes it look like Minnie Mouse with a bow in her hair! However, you might never know it from my sketch!